Джек Гринхалг

1953 Робот-монстр
1952 Опасные назначения
1951 Город, который он обжигает
1951 Затерянный континент
1951 Slaughter Trail
1951 Меч Монте-Кристо
1951 Rogue River
1951 G.I. Jane
1951 Смотр варьете
1951 Юбилей Кентукки
1951 Нью-Мексико
1951 Yes Sir, Mr. Bones
1951 Mask of the Dragon
1951 Pier 23
1951 Three Desperate Men
1951 Отпечатки пальцев не врут
1951 Дикие барабаны
1951 Roaring City
1951 Leave It to the Marines
1951 Danger Zone
1950 Dakota Lil
1949 Сорняк
1949 Досье-649
1949 Колыбель Сатаны
1948 16 Fathoms Deep
1948 Miraculous Journey
1948 Приключения Казановы
1948 The Strange Mrs. Crane
1948 Lady at Midnight
1948 Money Madness
1947 Слишком много победителей
1947 High Conquest
1947 Остров приключений
1947 Страх в ночи
1947 Heartaches
1947 Seven Were Saved
1947 Jungle Flight
1947 Three on a Ticket
1947 I Cover Big Town
1947 Hollywood Barn Dance
1946 Mantan Messes Up
1946 Six Gun Man
1946 Ambush Trail
1946 Terrors on Horseback
1946 Outlaws of the Plains
1946 Overland Riders
1946 Летающий змей
1946 Strange Voyage
1946 Avalanche
1946 Gentlemen with Guns
1946 Murder Is My Business
1946 Gas House Kids
1946 Маска Дижона
1946 Larceny in Her Heart
1946 Lady Chaser
1946 Blonde for a Day
1945 Shadows of Death
1945 The Big Show-Off
1945 Lightning Raiders
1945 Gangster's Den
1945 Stagecoach Outlaws
1945 Fighting Bill Carson
1945 Prairie Rustlers
1945 Navajo Kid
1945 Border Badmen
1945 Enemy of the Law
1945 Danny Boy
1945 Rustlers' Hideout
1945 His Brother's Ghost
1945 White Pongo
1945 The Lady Confesses
1945 Apology for Murder
1944 Youth Aflame
1944 Swing Hostess
1944 Wild Horse Phantom
1944 Fuzzy Settles Down
1944 Valley of Vengeance
1943 Fighting Frontier
1943 The Kid Rides Again
1943 Мертвецы идут
1943 Безумцы Гитлера
1943 My Son, the Hero
1943 Признания порочного барона
1943 Fugitive of the Plains
1942 Prairie Pals
1942 Border Roundup
1942 Outlaws of Boulder Pass
1942 Безумный монстр
1942 The Mysterious Rider
1942 The Lone Rider in Texas Justice
1942 Дымящиеся пистолеты Малыша Билли
1942 Raiders of the West
1942 The Lone Rider and the Bandit
1942 Узник Японии
1942 Tomorrow We Live
1942 Too Many Women
1942 Малыш Билли загнан в ловушку
1942 Queen of Broadway
1942 Law and Order
1942 Сирена из джунглей
1942 Overland Stagecoach
1942 Along the Sundown Trail
1942 The Lone Rider in Cheyenne
1942 Broadway Big Shot
1942 Texas Man Hunt
1941 Emergency Landing
1941 Desperate Cargo
1941 Облава Малыша Билли
1941 Малыш Билли в розыске
1941 Blonde Comet
1941 Mr. Washington Goes to Town
1941 Dangerous Lady
1941 Девушка по вызову
1941 Человек из джунглей
1941 Law of the Timber
1941 The Lone Rider Fights Back
1941 The Lone Rider Ambushed
1941 The Lone Rider in Frontier Fury
1941 Billy the Kid in Santa Fe
1941 The Lone Rider in Ghost Town
1941 Billy the Kid's Fighting Pals
1941 The Lone Rider Crosses the Rio
1941 Billy the Kid's Range War
1941 The Lone Rider Rides On
1941 The Texas Marshal
1941 Outlaws of the Rio Grande
1940 Billy the Kid in Texas
1940 Stolen Paradise
1940 Hold That Woman!
1940 Billy the Kid's Gun Justice
1940 Marked Men
1940 Billy the Kid Outlawed
1940 The Sagebrush Family Trails West
1940 Riders of Black Mountain
1940 Arizona Gang Busters
1940 Gun Code
1940 Frontier Crusader
1940 I Take This Oath
1939 Гитлер: Чудовище Берлина
1939 Buried Alive
1939 Fighting Mad
1939 Bad Boy
1939 Невидимый убийца
1939 Корабль пыток
1939 Trigger Pals
1939 Mercy Plane
1938 Frontier Scout
1938 Religious Racketeers
1938 King of the Sierras
1938 Two Gun Justice
1938 Gunsmoke Trail
1938 West of Rainbow's End
1938 Where the West Begins
1938 Phantom Ranger
1938 Code of the Rangers
1937 Roaring Six Guns
1937 Долина террора
1937 Swing It Professor
1937 Galloping Dynamite
1937 Thanks for Listening
1937 The Devil Diamond
1937 High Hat
1937 The Fighting Texan
1937 Rich Relations
1937 Anything for a Thrill
1937 Tough to Handle
1937 Border Phantom
1937 Sing While You're Able
1937 Whistling Bullets
1937 Rough Riding Rhythm
1936 Прокуренные мозги
1936 The Traitor
1936 Ghost Patrol
1936 Everyman's Law
1936 Rogue of the Range
1936 Lightnin' Bill Carson
1936 Border Caballero
1936 Roarin' Guns
1936 The Lion's Den
1936 Racing Blood
1936 Aces and Eights
1936 Lawless Land
1936 The Crooked Trail
1936 Undercover Man
1935 The Pace That Kills
1935 His Fighting Blood
1935 Trails of the Wild
1935 Bulldog Courage
1935 Timber War